Research Initiatives
The Department of ECE is a recognized Research centre under VTU since 2008-09 with the provision for Ph.D. (Full Time / Part Time) and 12 recognized research supervisors’ expertise in various domains like Active control, VLSI, Biomedical Engg, Communication, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Cryptography, Embedded Systems, Digital Circuits & Systems, FPGA Design for big data analytics.
Currently 14 research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D programme and 23 awarded with Ph.D’s from the research center till date.
Department of Electronics and Communication organizes a Project Exhibition to encourage the students to develop research qualities in Technical field.

To initiate the research qualities in faculties and students Department of ECE has created a platform by providing the facility to use PLC, Sensorics, and Intel Intelligence Labs.
Sl. No. | Name | Title of the Project | Automated student attendance Management system for students | Month/Year/ Status | Amount Sanction in Rs. |
01 | Dr. K V Mahendra Prashanth | Up-gradation of Existing Industry 3.0 Infrastructure to 4.0 to facilitate for Impending Technology | VGST | August 2021 Ongoing | 20,00,000 |
02 | Dr. Mahantesh K | Brain-Computer Interface and Computational Neuro-Science Lab | VGST | August 2021 Ongoing | 15,00,000 |
03 | Dr. Mahantesh K | Convolution Neural Network-Based Visual Stimuli Classification using EEG Signals for Efficient Human-Computer Interaction | KSCST | April 2024 | 5,500 |
04 | Dr. Ravikumar A V | Controlling of Electric Vehicles Using BCI and LabVIEW | KSCST | April 2024 | 5,000 |
05 | Dr. Bhaskar B | Automated Data Acquisition system for student performance Analysis in OBE | KSCST | April 2024 | 5,500 |
06 | Dr. Supreeth H S G | Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep Learning Algorithms | KSCST | April 2023 | 5,000 |
07 | Dr. Mahantesh K | Intelligent Device Control Using Brain Machine Interface | KSCST | April 2022 | 7,000 |
08 | Mr. Darshan B D | Develop an efficient Integrated Battery Management System | KSCST | April 2022 | 7,000 |
09 | Mrs. Uma S | Spyder Robot for Scouting & Defense Purposes | KSCST | April 2022 | 8,000 |
10 | Dr. Chandrappa D N | Nexus (SJBIT Alumni Application) | KSCST | March 2021 | 4,500 |
11 | Dr. Mahantesh K | Design and Development of BCI Model to assist Aged or Physically Challenged People | KSCST | March 2021 | 7,000 |
12 | Dr. Mahantesh K | Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques | VTU | Jan 2021 | 5,000 |
13 | Mrs. Divyashree Y V | Multi-purpose autonomous car copter | VTU | Jan 2021 | 5,000 |
14 | Dr.D N Chandrappa | NSTEDB Activities/ Programs | DST – NIMAT | August 2019 | 10,70,000 |
15 | Dr. K V MahendraPrashanth | IoT-based Intelligent Public Transport System for Smart Cities using Image Processing Techniques | KSCST | March 2019 | 6,000 |
16 | Dr. Rekha K R | Setting up of WTBI Centre | KCTU | September 2018 | 74,00,000 |
17 | Mr. Bhaskar B | IoT-based Intelligent Public Transport System for Smart Cities Using Image Processing Techniques | VTU | July 2019 | 5,000 |
18 | Mr. Supreeth H S G | Moving object detection in videos using convolutional neural networks | VTU | July 2019 | 5,000 |
19 | Dr. K R Nataraj | Human Following Robot | VTU | July 2018 | 5,000 |
20 | Dr. D N Chandrappa | Implementation of Automatic face and License plate recognition for safety measures | VTU | July 2018 | 5,000 |
21 | Dr. Mallikarjuna Swamy | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp | MSME Govt. of India New Delhi | November 2017 | 40,000 |
22 | Dr. Rekha K R | Center of Excellence in Design Development and Evaluation of Hybrid – ICE – Electric Four Wheeler Vehicle With Solar Energy Charging Scheme. | VGST | November 2016 | 30,00,000 |
23 | Dr.Chandrappa D N | RF and smart card-based parking system. | VGST | February 2016 | 40,000 |
24 | Dr. Mahantesh K | An Automated Human Activity Recognition in Video Surveillance System | KSCST | November 2016 | 6,500 |
25 | Dr. K V Mahendra Prashanth | Extraction and Analysis of EEG Signals For The ADHD Syndrome – A Novel Approach | KSCST | October 2016 | 5,000 |
26 | Dr. K R Nataraj | Establishment of Texas Innovations Instrument Lab | Texas Instruments | March 2015 | 3,60,000 |
27 | Dr. K R Nataraj | Establishing the facility for VLSI and Embedded System Lab ( Centre for Simulation Studies) | VGST | March 2013 | 20,00,000 |
28 | Dr. K R Nataraj | Investigation of Hybridization of Motive Energy for Two-Wheelers Using Solar Energy | VTU | March 2012 | 6,00,000 |
29 | Dr. Chandrappa D N | Monitoring diagnostic messages of a CAN network | KSCST | November 2009 | 3,000 |
30 | Dr .Chandrappa D N | RF and smart card based parking system. | KSCST | November 2009 | 4,000 |