Student Grievance Cell

As per the AICTE regulations and VTU directives Students Grievance Redressal cell is constituted by SJB Institute of Technology for the redressal of the problems reported by the students with the following objectives. The student grievance redressal committee is constituted at every beginning of the academic year. 

  •   Upholding the dignity of the Institution by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the Institute through promoting cordial student-student relationship and student teacher relationship etc. 
  • To support those students who have been deprived of the services for which he/she is entitled. 
  • To make teaching and supporting staff responsive, accountable, courteous in dealing with the students 
  • To ensure effective solution to the student grievances with an impartial and fair approach 
  • Encouraging the students to express their grievance/problems freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized 
  • Advising the students to respect the right of dignity of one another and show restraint and patience whenever any occasion arises. 
  • To ensure effective solution to the students’ grievances with an impartial and fair approach. 

Students can approach the cell to voice their grievance regarding academic and non-academic matters. The cell redresses the grievance at individual and class level and grievances of common interest. Students can use the suggestion box placed on the campus to express constructive suggestions and grievances. Suggestion boxes are provided in every academic block including hostels and library. Also, an online grievance redressal mechanism has been implemented which is available in SJBIT portal.  Students can login to our college website and can submit their grievance. Regular coordinator meetings will be convened to discuss the issues if any.  The complaints received are scrutinized by the committee/IQAC members/Principal.  

Plan of Action 

  • Formation of Grievance/welfare committee 
  • Preparation of standard formats with approval of IQAC 
  • Identification of student welfare officer. 
  • Provision to drop the written request/complaints. 
  • Students to meet the student welfare officer at Grievance redressal cell. 
  • Displaying/uploading of Govt. circulars / notices / information with regard to the various benefits.     
  • Scholarships for needy students.  


     Feedback Mechanism  

    – Online feedback mechanism. 

    – Suggestion box 

    – Direct submission to the student welfare officer 

  • The cell enquires/reviews and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievance in a strict confidential manner. 
  • Then the cell will act upon those cases and try to resolve them, within a stipulated time.  
  • If not possible to solve by the cell, the same may be refer to IQAC. 

Structure of the Committee
Chairperson Senior Faculty of Professor level or above 
 Convener Senior Faculty of Associate Professor level or above 
Members Faculty from Various Departments 
 Frequency of the meeting Once in a year & whenever required 
Student Grievance Cell for the Academic Year 2022-23
#RoleName & DesignationPhone Number
1Chairperson Dr. Babu N V 9448758276 
2Convener Dr. Sanjay Kumar S M 8310913752 
3MemberDr. Shantha Kumar H C 9448571119 
4MemberDr. Naveen Kumar D T 9632553840 
5MemberDr. Girisha. A 9739760113 
6MemberMrs. Latha S 8549926626 
7MemberMr. Siddanna S R 9916125833 
8MemberMr. Vijay Kumar K 9036435059 
9MemberMr. Sharath Ranjan P 7259633817