IEEE Technical Talk Series
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SJB Institute of Technology Started IEEE-Power Energy Society (PES) Student chapter (SBC02521) on 15th November 2022. On this occasion technical-Talk series is organized on emerging technologies.
The student chapter was Inaugurated by Dr. K V Mahendra Prashanth, Principal, SJBIT, Dr. Suresh H Jangamshetti Professor & Head, Basaveshwara Engineering College, Bagalkot was the chief Guest and Key Note Speaker for the Inaugural Session and Presided by Dr. Babu N V, Academic Dean, HOD, Dept. of EEE.
In the Inaugural Session Dr. Suresh H Jangamshetti brief about the innovative Students projects with several case studies through example. Also highlighted about the documentation of the results and publications of the work.