Department Activity/Events
One Week Faculty/Skill Development Program Entitled “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” from 29th May to 2nd June, 2023.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized a one-week Faculty/Skill Development Program Entitled “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” from 29th May to 2nd June 2023. The FDP was inaugurated by Dr. K. V. Mahendra Prashanth, Principal, SJBIT, along with session chair Mr. Satish Kumar Dwibhashi, Mr. Chaitanya Leela Prasanth and Dr. Krishna A. N., Professor & HOD, Dept. of CSE. The keynote was addressed by Mr. Satish Kumar Dwibhashi, Cybersecurity Evangelist, Trainer, Coach, and Mentor, Cisco. Mr. Satish Kumar delivered a speech on Emerging Cyber Security Risks, Information Security Management, and Risk Management. Later on, a hands-on session on Linux installation, Linux introduction, and information gathering was handled by Mr. Chaithanya, it was deemed insightful and useful.

Guest lecture on “Industry Insights and PDLC” held on 18/05/2023
Dept of CSE conducted a guest lecture on “Industry Insights and PDLC” held on 18/05/2023 for students around 160 6th sem students of CSE. The talk was delivered by Mr. Bhaktavatsala S, Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of CSE, SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-60.

Three Days Workshop for technical staff on “Web Programming and its Applications” from 11/05/2023 to 13/05/2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering has conducted Three Days Workshop for technical staff on “Web Programming and its Applications” from 11th to 13th May 2023. A total of 27 technical staff from various departments and colleges participated in this workshop and it was a great success. Speakers of the workshop included
Internal Resource Persons:
Dr. Veena H N, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJBIT, Savitri Kulkarni, Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJBIT. Kavya G, Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJBIT. Vijayalakshmi B, Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE, SJBIT.
External Resource person:
Mr. Shankar R, Asst. Professor, BMSIT&M.

Technical Club Geek Hive Activity on “DOCKERS & CONTAINERS” held on 01/03/2023
Technical Club GeekHive organized another event to spread knowledge about DOCKERS & CONTAINERS on the 1st of March 2023 around 170 students participated actively. The session was addressed by Mr. Vishwas Narayan who is a community evangelist from Devtron Inc. The event imparted knowledge of industry-grade usage of containers and shipping software via Docker. The session finally ended with an Interactive & fun Quiz Session.

Guest Lecture on “How to get a job in cyber security and careers in cyber security” held on 03/02/2023
Department of CSE, conducted a guest lecture on “How to get a job in cyber security and careers in cyber security” held on 03/02/2023 for 3rd sem students of CSE. The talk was delivered by Mr. Santosh Nandakumar (Alumnus of batch 2008), Senior Security Manager, Shell Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

Two days workshop on “Introduction to Cyber Security” in association with IEEE-Bengaluru from 12/01/2023 to 13/01/2023
Two days workshop on “Introduction to Cyber Security” in association with the IEEE-Bengaluru section was held in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.Hands-on sessions on Hacking Real Time Websites, Installing Kali Linux and Revealing secretes of social media were found interactive, instructive, and helpful. Engaged by external resource persons:Mr. Ashif Iqubal and Mr. Indranil Roy.

Three days workshop on “C++ as part of ability enhancement course”from 3/11/2022 to 5/11 2022
The department of CSE had organized three days workshop on C++ as a part of an ability enhancement course from 3/11/2022 to 5/11/2022. The overview of the session was handled by Mr. Raju S N, CEO, E2E Rosh IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, followed by the in-house faculties of the Dept of CSE. The training was a successful event. A few participants shared their experiences and expressed positive feedback about the workshop.

Guest Lecture on Awareness Program on “Lanquill” on 27.05.2022
Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized guest lecture- “Awareness Program on Lanquill” on 27.05.2022.Around 10 faculties and 160 students-6th semester from the department were participated in this guest lecture and it was a great success. Speaker of the program – Mr. Sathish Hegde, Head of the growth Net Analytiks Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.

BITES Distinguished Lecture on “Foundations of Responsible AI”
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Organized BITES Distinguished Lecture on “Foundations of Responsible AI” for faculties and students on 19th May 2022. It was conducted in both offline and virtual mode.
Around 21 faculties and 100 students from were participated in this guest lecture and it was a great success. Speaker of the program – Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni- CTO and Co-founder of
Students enjoyed the session and interacted well with the speaker.

Guest Lecture by Mr. Manohara K, CEO, Eucrypt Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru– Alumnus
Department of Computer Science and Engineering has organized guest lecture on “BlockChain Technologies” on 23/04/2022 at 10:45 am to 12:45 pm at CSE Seminar Hall. Around 110 students from CSE and ISE students (6th and 8th semester) participated in this guest lecture and it was a great success. Speaker of the program – Mr. Manohara K, CEO and Mr. Shiva Kumar, CTO, Eucrypt Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru.

Dept of CSE had organized a guest lecture on BlockChain Technologies on 23.04.2022. The speakers for the day were Alumnus of CSE, Mr. Manohar, Founder, and CEO of Ummarshal, and Mr. ShivKumar, CoFounder,CTO, Unmarshal.

“Mobile Application Development “Workshop
Dept of CSE had organized three days of workshop from 4.04.2022 to 6.04.2022 on “Mobile Application Development” as per VTU 2018-19 scheme 18CSMP68. The speaker was Mr. Guruprasad Y K from Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering. He discussed Android programming and hands-on sessions on various Android Applications.

Dept of CSE had organized Internal Smart India Hackathon on 30.03.2022

Department of CSE had organized an awareness talk on “Present Scenario and Future of Technical Education in India” on 26/03/2022.The speaker for the talk was Dr. Pratapsinh Kakasaheb Desai, President, Indian Society for Technical (ISTE), New Delhi.

Department of CSE had organized a guest lecture on “A Guidance on Career Opportunities after BE” on 03.12.2021. The speaker for the day was P Ramesh, Faculty, ACE Engineering Academy

Third International Conference on Integrated Intelligent Computing, Communication and Security was held in online mode on 6th and 7th August 2021, in association with the Technical Institute of Engineers, Bengaluru

A guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in AI Techniques and Industrial Solutions was delivered by Mr. Manjunath Ramachandra on 11.03.2020.

Smart India Hackathon -2020 was held by Dept. of CSE on 24th January 2020

Department of CSE observed, Sadbhavana Diwas which promotes goodwill and harmony among the people was held on 20.08.2020

Three days workshop on Microcontroller and Embedded systems was held from 20th January to 22nd January 2020

The “C coding challenge” was conducted by Dept of CSE on 16th of October 2019 stood up one of the best competition, where more than 259 participants took part in this challenge across all the departments of SJBIT.

Dept.of CSE has organized two day workshop on “Robotic Process Automation” from 18th and 19th November 2019 .The speakers for the workshop were Mr.Selva Kumar S, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, B.M.S. College of Engineering, and Mr.Gururaja H S, Assistant Professor, Department of ISE, B.M.S. College of Engineering.

Invited Talks
Department has conducted a Guest Lecturer on “Unity Technology” for 5th semester students on 20/09/2019. The speaker for the seminar was Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Unity Certified Developer from Internet Academy, Bengaluru.

Department has conducted a Guest Lecturer on “Flutter Mobile Development Course” for 5th semester students on 20/11/2019. The speaker for the seminar was Mrs. Pramada, Certified Developer from Geeky Ants Academy, Bengaluru.

Alumni Interactions
Department allows regular alumni interactions with current students to encourage them in career guidance like higher studies and other. Class room interactions were conducted on “Regarding Preparations for GATE/GRE Exams” on 10.10.2019 for 3rd and 5th semester students by our alumni Ms. Divya, Software Engineering, DXC Technology, B’luru.

Industry Visit
The Department has organized an industry visit to Global Edge Software, on 13th November 2019 for the 5th semester students.

Our students and faculties at Global Edge Software and Sonata Software, Bangalore The Department has organized an industry visit to Mind tree, on 19th October 2019 for the 5th semester students.

Parents Interaction
Department has conducted parents council meeting on 21/9/2019.Around 60 parents from all semesters attended the meeting. Parents were happy with digital mode of teaching and appreciate overall progress of the department.