Inauguration of IEEE CIS Student Branch Chapter in the Dept. of AIML on 10th March 2025.
With the Blessings of Poojya Swamiji’s, esteemed guidance and vision by Academic Director Dr. Puttaraju, Support and Motivation by our Beloved Principal Dr. KV Mahendra Prashanth and Dean, the Dept. of AI & ML in association with Dept. of ISE officially inaugurated the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Student Branch Chapter on 10th March 2025 in CSE Seminar Hall, SJBIT.

With the Distinguished Resource Persons Dr. DN Sujatha Professor from MCA Dept. BMSCE & Dr. Vijayakumar B P Prof. and Head Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) from MSRIT Bengaluru, the IEEE CIS Student Branch Chapter was inaugurated and talk on Membership Importance and Benefits was also delivered.