Women have always commanded a position of great respect is India. The current happenings in the national capital and other states have necessitated reviewing of our efforts towards protection in the women, increased security and protection in the society.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has taken these incidents seriously and has requested the universities to review the security arrangements for girl students and women working in the campus of the universities / educational institution. In this regard, as per the directions of UGC (ref: D.O. letter No. F.1-1/2013 (CM). dt:1/1/2013 received from UGC) committee is constructed as per the structure defined.
- To ensure safety of girl students and Women working in our institution.
- Providing a healthy environment on the campus.
- Arranging talks to create awareness on gender equity.
Structure of the Committee:
# | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Senior Female Faculty of Professor level or above |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty of Associate Professor level or above |
3 | Members | Faculty from Various Departments |
| Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year & whenever required |
Women Task Force Committee – 2022 -2023
# | Name of the member | Designation | Contact No. |
1 | Dr. K V Mahendra Prashanth | Principal / Chairman | 9008719999 |
2 | Dr. Padmaja Venugopal | Prof & Head Mathematics / Convener | 9632354173 |
3 | Dr. Keertish M | Associate Prof/BGS GIMS/Psychiatrist | 8971878978 |
4 | SHO | Kengeri Police Station / Member | 080-2294510 |
5 | Dr. Mamatha | HOD MBA / Member | 9901176722 |
6 | Mrs. Roopa D R | Assistant Prof /Physics /Member | 9740394817 |
7 | Dr. Lakshmi C | Professor /Civil / Member | 9886742758 |
8 | Mrs. Rekha P S | Assistant Prof /EEE/ Member | 9845051051 |
9 | Dr. Bindiya M K | Associate Prof /CSE/ Member | 9880071209 |
10 | Mrs. Poornima M | Assistant Prof /ISE / Member | 9945607670 |
11 | Mrs. Chetana Patil. V | Assistant Prof /AIML/ Member | 9980720888 |
12 | Mrs. Sowmya B J | Assistant Prof /ECE / Member | 8971400694 |
13 | Ms. Spandana | Assistant Prof /Civil / Member | 9743827701 |
14 | Hemalatha M (1JB21IS045) | Student co ordinator ( ISE ) | 7795371046 |
Events Organized
# | Name of the Event | Speaker | Date of Event |
1 | A talk on “Break the Bias to make science by Everyone and for everyone.” | Prof. Dr. Prajval Shastri, IIA Scientist | 17/03/2022 |
2 | A talk on “Gender Equity” | Mrs. Preethi Karady Advocate | 09/07/2022 |
3 | Webinar on “Emotional Balance During This Tough Time” | Dr. Padmakshi Lokesh Clinical Psychologist, Education Stress Management Specialist | 27/07/2020 |
4 | Webinar on “Anxiety and Depression during the Pandemic Situation of Covid – 19) | Dr. Sampath V MD, DNB Consultant Psychiatrist Certified in Positive Psychology (university of Penn) | 29/07/2020 |
5 | A talk on “Impact of drugs on individual, their families and the society and sexual harassment” | Mrs. Roopa D R, Asso. Professor, Dept. of Physics and Mrs. Lakshmi C, Asso. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering | 23/08/2019 |
6 | A talk on “Sexual harassment laws, anti-ragging, gender equality and relevant laws prevailing” | Station Housing Officer (SHO) from Kengeri Police Station | 27/08/2019 |
7 | A talk on “Importance of self Esteem and Life Goals” | Dr. Ajay kumar Singh IPS (Rtd.) Former DG & IGP, Karnataka state. | 03/06/2019 |
8 | A talk on “Awareness on Sexual harassment laws. Anti – Ragging, Gender equality & relevant laws prevailing” | Dr. Jayashree HOD Community Medicine BGSGIMS. | 30/08/2017 |
9 | A talk on “Awareness on Sexual harassment laws. Anti – Ragging, Gender equality & relevant laws prevailing” | The Station Housing Officer Kengeri | 30/08/2017 |
Events Gallery