15th Edition of TCS TECH BYTES – State Level Engineering IT Quiz
With the Blessings of Pujya Swamiji and support from Principal, Department of HRD successfully hosted the 15th edition of TCS TechBytes – the Engineering IT Quiz conducted by TCS and the BITES in SJBIT auditorium on Friday 05-04-2024.
In the preliminary Bengaluru regional round, a total of 268 participants from around 24 colleges participated actively. For Regional finals round 6 top students from different colleges got selected. In the lot, Reva University student got qualified for the State finals. As a whole, for the state finals winners of all the six regions participated.
At the end of the event, Dheeraj Angadi from KLE College of Engineering, Belagavi was the State Level Winner, and the runner up was Kaushik S Nandan from NITK, Surathkal. The event concluded with the prize distribution ceremony in the presence of Dr. Mahendra Prashanth, Principal SJBIT, along with the Chief Guest Dr. Suresh Sundaran, Professor IISC, Dr. Selvan, Co-chair BITES & Sunil Deshpande, Regional Head TCS, gave away the trophies and gift vouchers to the winners. Prizes included Educational Scholarships of Rs. 85,000/- for the Winner and Rs. 50,000/- for the Runners-up. SJBIT students participated in the preliminary round and gave their best in the event.