National Level Hackathon – Edulateral Higher Education Challenge, Rapid Prototyping Camp (RPC)- 22nd & 23rd August 2024
|| Jai Sri Gurudev||. With the Blessings of Poojya Revered Sri Sri Dr. Prakashnatha Swamiji, pleased to inform you that SJB Institute of Technology has bagged Second Prize in the National Level Hackathon – Edulateral Higher Education Challenge, Rapid Prototyping Camp (RPC) on 23rd August 2024. On behalf of the entire SJBIT fraternity, I Principal Dr. KV Mahendra Prashanth extend our Heartfelt gratitude to Poojya Samiji for all the support, care and encouragement in organizing and hosting such events and also providing a great opportunity to all the students at our Institution. I also Congratulate the ECE students and the Mentor Dr. Mahantesh K, Associate Professor, ECE for this incredible achievement to bring glory to our institution.

SJBIT Hosted a Mega Event – National Level Hackathon under Edulateral Higher Education Challenge, Rapid Prototyping Camp (RPC)- 22nd & 23rd August 2024.

Event theme: Innovation for Resilience – Green Technology, Autonomous, Automation & Smart Technology.
Technology Partners:
Intel Unnati, NEC Corporation, Seagate, Adobe.
Prime sponsor: SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.