Department of physics came into existence with the establishment of institution SJBIT. The Department is headed by Dr. B H Doreswamy. Currently the department is functioning with highly dedicated six faculty members as per the AICTE norms, whom many are doctorates and few are pursuing their Ph.D from various reputed universities and with four technical staff.
The main objective of the department is to teach engineering physics and Engineering physics laboratories for undergraduate students as per VTU regulations. The faculty members in the department have published more than 75 research papers in various national and international journals and over 55 papers presented in national and international conferences and symposium. The focused research activity of the department involves the synthesis and characterization of nano-materials, liquid crystals, thin-films and crystallizatio.
The department of Physics is recognized as research center from VTU (since 2009), where as two faculties were guiding the students for research activities. The department as signed MoU with GeNei laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore.
Department Vision
To provide quality basic education and training in Physics.
Department Mission
To be a dynamic and competitive center of excellence in teaching, learning and research in Physics and to ensure that the technical needs of students are addressed.
Course outcomes:
Theory Course Outcomes: 18PHY12/26
CO1: Understand various types of oscillations and their implications, the role of Shock waves in various fields and recognize the elastic properties of materials for engineering applications
CO2: Realize the interrelation between time varying electric field and magnetic field, the transverse nature of the EM waves and their role in optical fiber communication.
CO3: Compute Eigen values, Eigen functions of Atomic and subatomic particles using Time independent 1-D Schrodinger’s wave equation
CO4: Apprehend theoretical background of laser, construction and working of different types of laser and its applications in different fields
CO5: Understand various electrical properties of materials like conductors, semiconductors and dielectrics using different theoretical models.
Lab Course outcomes: 18PHYL16/26
CO1: Apprehend the concepts of elasticity and Resonance.
CO2: Apply the basic phenomenon and principles of optics.
CO3: Understand the principles of operations of semiconductor devices, dielectrics and concepts of Fermi energy and magnetic effect of electric current.
Departmental Activities:
• The department takes the students for Community Service, to build the awareness regarding the social responsibility.
• Department organizes the Guest lecturer from the eminent professors/scientist of the various universities.
• Department regularly organizes the workshop/FDP/national /international conferences
• Department is also engaged in several extension activities through NSS.
Head of the department contact details:
Dr. Doreswamy B H
Professor and Head, Department of Physics
Email: phyhod@sjbit.edu.in
Mobile: +91-9449318776